
 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N
 O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

<英語(辞書の意味)>     <天文での使用例>
               (例)absenceof a central obstruction.
 aficianado(愛好者)・・・(例)double-star aficianado(2重星(観測の)の愛好家)
*avert(そらす)・・・・・・・averted vision:淡い対象を「そらし目」でみること。


               (例1)Antares has a very close 5th-magnitude companion.
               (例2)two of M31's companiongalaxies:M32 and M110.
               (例1)very crisp images with high contrast.(コントラストの高いはっきりした像)
               (例2)On crisp winter evenings,・・(冬の星がはっきり見える夜)

*dim(かすかな)・・・・・・(例1)Most of the dimmerstars form a ring around M36.
               (例2)dim first diffraction ring.(かすかな第一回折リング)
               (例3)dim costellation,Sculptor.(目立たない星座、彫刻室座)
 due((方角が)ちょうど)・・(例 )the 11th-mgnitude star"E"about4"due north of "A".
                  ・due north(真北)、due east(真東)等。

 egress(外に出ること)・・・(例1)jovian moons were in egress.(木星の衛星が出現した)
               (例2)Europa as it egressedoff the limb of the planet.
               (例1)M98 is highly elongated shape.(M98星雲は、非常に細長い形をしている。)
*elongation(離角)・・・・(例1)Marcury reaches its greatest eastern elongationof 24 degrees on June 9.
               (例 )・excellent optical quality(優秀な光学品質)
                  ・the seeing is excellent.(シーイングがすばらしい)
                (例)exceptional planetay detail.(卓越した惑星の詳細像)
               (例)M33 can be seen with the naked eye in exceptional conditions.

*faint(かすかな)・・・・・・・・(例)fainterglow from the nebula.(星雲のかすかな輝き)
                   (例)M51 is the finest example of a face-on spiral galaxy.
                   (例)one of the finestrefactors.(最も洗練された屈折望遠鏡のひとつ)
*fuzzy(ぼんやりした)・・・・・(例)The Milky Way's fuzzyappearance is really the light of countless
                    stars too faint to be seen with the nakid eye.

 glare(ぎらぎらする光)・・・・(例)A good,high-powered telescope on a steady night will show its
                   intensely blue companion, almost lost in its glare.
*glow(輝く、光る)・・・・・(例)the glow of the Milky Way.(天の川の輝き)
*glimmer(かすかに光る、明滅する)・・・(例)Globular Cluster NGC104 glimmers from 15,000 light-
                        yeras away with the combined light of a million stars.


 ingress(はいること)・・・・(例)jovian moons were in ingress.(木星の衛星が(木星の背後に)隠れた)
 interpose(間におく)・・・・(例)interposingbarlow lens.((双眼装置使用の為に)間に置くバローレンズ)





*name after(〜の名をとって命名する)・・(例)Stadius is named after Jan Stade,Belgian mathematician
                         and astronomer,1527-1579. (スタディウスクレーターは、
              (例1)top-notch quality control on telescope components
              (例2)This telescope notched 0.9 arc-second Eta corona.

               (例)outstanding instruments.

*patch(かけら、破片)・・・(例)M77 appears as a faint,circular,nebulouspatch.
 pitch-black(真っ暗やみ)・・(例)M74 against a pitch-black sky.(真っ暗な背景のM74星雲)
 pinnacle(頂点、高峰)・・・・(例)the pinnacleof the refractor world(屈折望遠鏡の世界の最高峰)
*poor(劣った)・・・・・・・シーイングが悪い時などに使用。(例)the seeing is poor condition.


                 (例)well-deserved reputations for their excellent performance.
*reveal(現す、明らかにする)・・(例1)Binoculars will revealtwo of M31's companion galaxies:M32 and M110.
                 (例2)M51 does not revealmuch detail in small telescopes.         
 roster(名簿)・・・・・・・・・カタログの一種。(例)STAR(Small Telescope Asterism Roster
*resolve(分離する)・・・・(例1)A 10cm telescope will resolveNGC104's brighest members.
               (例2)resolution of double stars(二重星の分離)
               (例3)resolving power of a telescope(望遠鏡の分解能)

*spot(位置を確認する)・・・・・(例)M51 is easily spottedin binoculars.
*split(分離する)・・・・・・・・(例)Epsilon Lyrae's component stars were cleanly split.
 spy(発見する、見つける)・・・(例1)Lord.Ross spied the two dark holes of the Owl Nebula.
                 (例2)Seeing Mars's two moons is more difficult than spying the
                    companion of Sirius.
 sparkling(きらめく)・・・・・(例)Crisp Night and sparkling Skies
*steady(安定した)・・・・・・・気流の安定。(例)steady night;(気流が)安定した夜。
*sweep(掃く)・・・・・・・・・掃天の意味で使用。(例1)deep-sky sweeping.
                 (例2)If you sweep the telescope to the west,you might notice M46.

*terminator(月の明暗の境界線)・・(例)the view along the terminator is superb.
*tight(狭い)・・・・・・・・・・(例)split tightdouble(接近した2重星の分離)
                  (例)I saw dim outer arms of M101 under conditions of good transparency.
*transit(通過)・・・・・・・・・(例1)jovian moons were in transiting.
                  (例2)transit of Mercury across the face of the Sun.

                   (例)unparalleled in brightness and sharpness.
*unaided eye(肉眼)・・・・(例)Open cluster M35 is visible to the unaided eye as a hazzy patch.
 unrivaled(無敵の)・・・・(例)planetary detail by this telescope is unrivaled.

 vortex(渦巻き)・・・・・(例)The Gerat Red Spot of Jupiter is the planet's giant cyclonic wind vortex.




